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Monday 9 March 2015

“SECOND VIEW OF BEEF BAN"-----A must read !!!

In reality beef ban is a small step towards an infinite and loyal vote bank. Majority feels something great has happened for them.

How should the Muslims face it?

Islam does not compel its people to eat non-vegetarian food. There is no loss to them when beef ban is established except that their menus become smaller and a few traders and restaurants will face huge losses. A large number of people outside Islam are the customers of these restaurants and they will be at major loss as this is the only food that they were able to afford and like both.
Bethinkers has already written in opposition to Beef Ban. Now we would like to express the other side of the view also.

How can a Muslim react :

1) Welcome it. This ban should be welcomed by the Muslims.

Islam teaches a person extreme control over their own selves. A lot of the Muslims who practice Islam know that a month Ramadan (most beautiful days of a year) falls every Islamic year. In this time all Muslims must master the art of control on desires. It includes all the desires such as eating, drinking (water, juice etc.), sex, anger etc. In totality it a compulsory month to put a reality check on human desires and a chance for the Muslims to train and become more satisfied of all those things available to man. They learn the feelings of those who are poor and have to go without food and water.

So for any Muslim, giving up one part of diet is NOT a problem and should not be a problem.

2) Gift it : This sacrifice of the Muslims and others of a food that that they dearly loved can be viewed as a gift to their fellow Hindu brothers and sisters in the community. It can be done out of respect towards their neighbor’s beliefs. If a change in menu can bring communities closer and into harmony then it can be done !

3) India is a secular country. It is not a Muslim, Christian, Sikh or Hindu state. This law is not secular in nature. But at the same time if a small sacrifice of the Muslims, Christians and others can make a few Indians happy. Then WHY NOT DO IT!

4) In religious terms Islam allows its people to follow the rule of land as long as it does not violate the law of the supreme Master and owner of all : Allah. Hence, adhering to ‪#beefban to maintain communal, society and national balance is not a problem for the Muslims but rather a suggested good deed. In-fact their sacrifice is rewarded in terms of deeds !!


There are a few things that the Govt. must do at the same time.
1) There is no infrastructure available in India to stop these animals from entering roads and other areas. At this time even when beef was consumed at high rates large number of traffic jams and accidents resulting in death or injury to the animal and the person involved is very common.

2) Cleanliness is a big issue. While old animals will be left to stray in open. Their last few years are spent biting paper and plastics.

Their excrete is all over the place; clinging to shoes, car wheels to bare feet of other poor people walking around. We never had infrastructure or plan to manage it and now we have decided to raise the population.

3) Milking the animal and then selling the animal for a price was a major source of earning for farmers and other traders of meat. Please provide some incentive to the farmers and traders whose decade old business will perish and incentives to cattle breeders for not selling and taking care of the animals which are not producing income and becoming costs.

4) Chaara or fodder is barely available at times and with rise in animal population it will become more expensive. This expense will raise the price of fodder for other animals such as Goat. Sheep/Goat breeders will face pressure and prices will rise even further. At current level of price most mutton lovers have shifted to chicken and a further rise will make it harder to sell goat for meat.

5) Muslim festival of Eid Ul Adha will be very difficult to practice as most people will not be in a position to buy sheep or goat for sacrifice due to the extremely high prices. A festival should not be directly affected especially considering that these are the only two major festivals of Muslim population and are typically the only major festivals of "charity" in the world and are non-polluting in nature. However, Islam does not burden a follower to perform sacrifice if one can't do it due to financial or other reasons!

This will profit the Poultry industry but others (majorly farmers) will face difficulty.
Other important bans which are actually needed:

Since, we have banned Beef just to make a certain group of society happy now we have a chance to make the whole country a better place and become world leaders of excellence and quality life.
The advantages of ban on Alcohol is unlimited!

1) Lower number of accidents.
2) Lower violence under influence cases.
3) Lower rape cases
4) Youth have more quality things to indulge into besides getting drunk every time they have time.
5) Lower number of domestic violence cases.
6) Better family relations as “man of the house” is not drunk all the time.
7) Reduction of population growth rate.
8) Reduction in number of abortions.
9) Reduction in crime rate.
10) Reduction in liver diseases.
11) Higher productivity of labors and workers.
12) Quality family life rather than one drunk man and struggling family members.
The people in Alcohol factories need not go Jobless. They will produce alcohol for cars which are alcohol driven (such cars are common in some countries and it’s an easy modification).
13) This will save the country from buying oil from oil rich countries. This will add to Indian savings and we can save in Billions of Dollars in terms of taxes and debts by not importing so much of Oil. Means we can afford better roads and better medical facilities.
14) Pollution reduction.
15) Oil prices will also become cheap.
16) Alcohol rich medicines will become almost free.
17) Deodorants and other such items which use alcohol base will become cheaper to produce and can be exported.
18) Our young generation will grow with more time to do better activities besides being drunk all the time. That would result in healthier and more quality crowd over time.
19) Reduction is spread of STD
20) Our entire Nation can turn around to become the most healthy, happy and progressing nation just by one BAN.
One can go on forever:

Ban Alcohol!!!!!

Besides, Alcohol is a banned element in all major religions practiced in India including Hinduism.It’s time to ban something that will progress the nation and NOT a few people in the nation. People like Mallaya do not come to save all the broken families who have lost someone in an accident, cancer or have experienced domestic violence due to addiction.Why should people pay them and make them rich while the entire nation is drunk, confused and sleeping on the streets.


You loving neighborhood goat.

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